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The role of society and social enterprises are increasingly important drivers of the digital exponential, a process of rapid technology changes and disruptions in the way we do business, life and work. The flow of information is moving faster than the speed of which the producers and the curators of knowledge can anticipate. And with that comes the challenge of how we manage and curate data and information.*

Professor Zeblon Vilakazi, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Wits University

Tayarisha is the Initiative on Digital Governance, established (2021) at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg. It is a hub for teaching, research, policy dialogue, and outreach on the challenges and opportunities presented by digitisation in the public sector, society, and industry in Africa.

Tayarisha straddles the nexus of government, business, and society, and is concerned with issues of regulation, public policy and ethics. Tayarisha contributes to the creation of public good by conducting academically rigorous, cutting-edge action research; providing world-class education; and contributing to public debate on the challenges and opportunities presented by digitisation.

Why what we do is important

The Centre combines:

  • governance perspective with a focus on government’s transformation (policy, service delivery ,and capability) through digitalisation; with
  • public policy perspective with a focus on government-private sector-civil society relations and regulation, and the developmental and ethical implications of digitalisation; as well as
  • socio-technical perspective, giving attention to social change, structures and human behaviour in reciprocal relation to ongoing technological development and change.

How we work

Tayarisha works a networked hub. This means that we connect, host and convene experts, actors and initiatives to focus on the mission of digital transformation and anticipatory governance.

We intend to work with Africa’s leading experts in various knowledge fields related to digital governance and become the premier community of dispersed resources that are available in this field. The centre will thus contribute to the creation of public good by conducting academically rigorous, cutting-edge action research; providing world-class education; and contributing to public debate on the challenges and opportunities presented by digitalisation.

*See the full article here.
