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Curios.ty 18: #Work

- Curiosity

Work isn't static. It changes as we change. In this issue, we turn to our researchers as we grapple with the evolving nature of work and an unknown future.

The 18th issue of Wits University’s research magazine, Curios.ty, themed #Work, is available online now: (See our guidelines below for article republication.)

#Curiosity 18: #Work | average person changes careers — not just jobs — at least three times in their lifetime. Work dominates most of our waking hours, providing purpose and community, but it is also a space where many encounter stress, burnout, and toxic dynamics.

The #Work issue explores how societal shifts, technological advancements, and equity challenges are reshaping the world of work. We examine the impact of AI on industries, ethical questions it raises, and ways to close South Africa’s skills gap amid changes in higher education.

This issue highlights efforts to build inclusive, adaptable workplaces that prioritise well-being and equity, it also celebrates student entrepreneurship and reaffirms the enduring value of human creativity in a digital age.


  1. The impact of AI on future jobs (page 8): We look at the myths and realities, risks and opportunities posed by the adoption of AI.
  2. Beyond degrees: plugging SA’s skills gap (page 12): Are we adequately training young people for the labour market?
  3. The future of work – a flicker of a silver lining (page 24): SA has a mountain to climb as it claws its way back onto a much-needed growth path, but there is reason for hope.
  4. Burnt out? (page 34): Experts in psychiatry, psychology, and ergonomics explain how burnout manifests and what institutions and individuals can do about it.
  5. Retirement reimagined (page 38): People are living longer than previous generations. What does this mean for retirement at 60 or 65, and will the ‘silver economy’ replace traditional retirement?
  6. Safeguarding sex work (page 44): Official recognition of sex work and viewing it in a sex-positive framework could advance healthcare and justice for those in the profession.

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Curios.ty is a print and digital magazine that aims to make the research at Wits University accessible to multiple publics. Curios.ty is available on the Wits website here:

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